Last weekend I popped along to 'Away with the Fairies' at Cust. I went in to buy some threads but couldn't resist some pretty pink and green fabrics, the beginnings of a queen-sized quilt I shall be making for my Dad and his wife. I was looking through my magazines for inspiration and narrowed it down to about eight ideas, but finally picked out the one I shall make. It contains nine patches and love hearts. That will have to go on the back burner for the time being cos I have to stay focused and get this bargello done first. Sheesh it's hard to stay focused though when there are so many pretty fabrics around just wanting to be made into quilts!!! Pick me, pick me, they all scream, ha!!
Now, back in March I started Susan Claire's mystery quilt, a first for me. Below are the colours I picked out for Part 3 which I have cut out, but haven't assembled yet... only one week before Part 4 comes out and I haven't even started appliqueing yet, eek!
I just unpicked a whole row of my bargello block whilst waiting for this image to upload, you gotta love dial-up!!! Writing of which, I'm not going to spruce up this page with pretty pictures and the like until I get Broadband. I see other people's blogs and think, wow, so pretty. For the time being you will just have to read words and the odd image or two.
I thought I might add my sewing room, aka, messy, disorganised bits of furniture and stacks of fabric everywhere. One of my mum's favourite sayings is, "a place for everything and everything in its place". I shall try. This room comes complete with my $2 chair from a fair! I love my inspiration board, it truly does inspire me.
The image above shows where I sit to sew, at a computer desk. Can't spread my quilts out, but at least I have a posse to sit and while away the hours. A lot of sewers I know have to park themselves at the end of the dining table and pack everything in boxes. The wine rack to the right is a bemusing tower for the kitten to climb....!
I better stop for the night and go and cook some tea. Happy sewing!