Friday, 25 March 2016

Ironing board usage

Having such a small sewing room there is no room for the ironing board so it sets up camp in the lounge. On the days in-between sewing it becomes a nesting place for cats: high up and sunny!  I always tell myself to put a blanket over the top to stop it from getting "fluffy", but I always end up forgetting. Good thing I only iron my fabrics on it and not fancy dancy blouses!

Aztec feeling the warmth

Thursday, 17 March 2016

The changing of the bobbin

This remarkable feat always seems to happen when you are either (a) just at the end of the row or (b) doing some serious quilting design that is requiring much concentration!

As much as the changing of the bobbin is a nuisance at times, the threading onto the bobbin is a joy to behold - all that speed and that wonderful zishing sound.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Pussycat minding

If you have a cat and you quilt, the two really go hand in hand.

For some reason, cats seem to be drawn to anything that is on the floor or new. When it comes to laying out your fabric blocks you have to be exceptionally careful so as dirty dukes or fluff doesn't go anywhere on your new creations.

Most of the time I work at my cutting table or on my design wall (cloth pinned to the hall wall!). For this particular quilt I needed to get the layout of how my Caring Hearts quilt would need to be sewn. I kept a beady eye on the door for any paw friends that might be approaching.

Half way through, one puss cat wandered in and thought, "Mmm, something interesting is partaking on the bed, I must jump up and see what it is all about". I was ready for his leap and scooped him up and put him in his sleeping bed. Luckily he decided to stay there whilst I continued with my Hearts.

Aztec content in his bed

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Two projects on the go

Nothing like a little confusion on the chopping board! My Caring Hearts quilt is taking a back seat at present whilst I tackle the Farmers 1930's quilt-along.

The jumbo of projects
Deciding on what fabrics to use for my Farmers quilt was a mission at first, but once I decided that I would use a paisley fabric for my base the other fabrics slotted into place every time. I based my coordinating pieces from the Letters to the Editor in the book.

Once I got into the swing of things my chopping board became so more free of fabrics and got into the business and swing of making blocks.

Small calmness for setting out my blocks
I will have to check out the Quilt-along guidelines before I post any blocks here. Of the 99 blocks we are making I am up to number 17, and her name is Patience!

Happy sewing :)

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Before you know it....

... it'll be Christmas!!

With that thought in mind, I knew I had better get back to blogging and adding to my patchwork journey. For me personally it is hard to write about exciting new projects and add shiny new photos because lately I have only been sewing two projects; one is the continuation of my Caring Hearts quilt and the other, joining my first Quilt-Along on Facebook for the Farmers Wife 1930's sampler. I didn't start the project till after the New Year and am slowly catching up to the other 6000 quilters!

Not a lot happens in between.

Whilst I find some pics on my latest projects here a few shots of my garden last Spring. Now, I'm no gardener so I can't name the plants/shrubs, but to me they look interesting and at the end of the day, if they don't need watering then that's fine with me!!

This begun flowering after a flood one year, I have no idea what it is.

My Lilac began flowering last year for the first time.
This is Scarlett O'Hara, it begins with "B" and does need water!